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01-03-2006, 11:56 PM
sletts02 is offline sletts02
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Originally Posted by YoungCoder
To be honest it pisses me right off. People dedicate their entire lives to an honest means of work, and this toss pot comes along and makes 4 times their worth in 4 months...
It does not piss me off. I think, "good on him". I visited the site when there was only a few investors, maybe 15 tops. It would have been shakey beginnings for him however he created a great, innovative idea.

People that can think outside the square and can create / invent / imagine something that no one else has done deserve to be rewarded.

I fail to see how this is not a honest means of work. It's selling advertising space that gets more traffic then a billboard which probally costs similar.

These people that are worth four times less than the creator of milliondollarhomepage probally havent ever created something so innovative. They probally have just worked for "the man" for all their lives. If they want to be worth more they have to do something about it, it's not anyone elses fault.

My 2cents atleast (not structured very well as I am tired, thunderstorm kept be up allnight.)