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04-10-2006, 06:15 PM
vip-ip is offline vip-ip
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Originally Posted by Submerge
Nope, that why I never used it. Everyone knew they would fold and a couple hundred people would loose their investments. Should have done more research
"couple hundred" LOL try a couple hundred thousand

12dp = 12dailypro, a program that offered 144% ROI in 12 days by autosurfing. Major ponzi scheme sued by US gov-t where 300,000 investors from all over the worl lost around 50 million dollars. The owner of that ponzi was an obese african american woman (if I saw her picture I would've never invested) who used some of the 50 million to buy a new house and a car for herself and her husband. The whole debacle started when StormPay, their preffered payment processor, froze their $50 million and 12dailypro could no longer operate. I was at about my 11th day in the program when they froze the funds, therefore I couldn't withdraw. I charged back against StormPay calling it a scam attempt (because freezing your money is illegal - imagine what'll happen if Bank of America freezes all of its assets) and I said that they violated their ToS. I got the chargeback immediately, but their investigation was ongoing for over a month when I got a letter saying that my chargeback was declined. By that time the owner of that investment scheme, Charis Johnson, was sued by the SEC and the judge ordered that no chargebacks could be filed for the purpose of acquiring the most funds out of the 12dp. The receiver, who now controls the $50 million, is supposed to refund the investors. Which, of course, will never happen.

Surprising part about the court order - instead of jail sentence, Charis Johnson now gets a few $xx,xxx a month for her living from the government, and she started YET ANOTHER scheme. Now that is no longer hers, she stars - I'd like to see the losers who join it =D

I lost $60 to 12dailypro - can't get em back, my Visa chargeback was reversed due to that gay court order. On the other hand, if StormPay hadn't froze $50,000,000 I probably would've cashed out in time.