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04-12-2006, 10:50 PM
Andy is offline Andy
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I recently hired someone to skin (and finish a design) for wordpress. I said I needed it by the end of the week but he promised me it done next day. I'm stilll waiting and am getting bloody annoyed at his excused- "I'm trying to get my grades up at school", "I messed up and need to start over". The second one is complete bull****, the preview has stayed the same since the first day. Tomorrow I will be filing a chargeback via paypal, he urged for upfront payment so he could pay his hosting.

Anyway for decent designers I can say Anthony is a great and fast worker (completed my job within hours). I also do a lot of work for of (and now he's referred me to his group's project manager, another 2-3 projects a week). They both seem to meet deadlines, and force me to pixel accuracy.