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10-29-2006, 06:47 PM
Bennett is offline Bennett
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Originally Posted by BRHJamie
I'm only a student myself, i'm in 6th form (its further education) and i see people designing websites on photoshop elements in school and stuff for their graphics projects for example but they havent got a clue how to code up a website and i was just listening to what they were saying and stuff. One goes "I think you can use FrontPage to make the website with, i dont know how.." it was funny hearing them figure it out.

I think targeting it at a market like a school or a group, i've been thinking of running a nightclass just for a hobby, but i didnt know if it would be wrong of me charge because im not qualified, im just more experienced than them. I think i might give this one a go. Maybe $5/$10 entrance fee every Thursday night for example, it will start from the basics to the more advanced...I suppose i could only target this to people in my school and it wouldn't be online work.

I'm really thinking of writing some ebooks that will be properly illustrated with instructions and guides how to make certain types of layouts, how to use floats, clear: both etc..

Anybody got any ideas of turning this into an online presence and offering something? Anybody willing to team-up? Offering some sort of product or incentive too people who pay.

Anyways, its all just a big blur to me atm, i'm going to give it a think over the next week.

I'd personally skip on the ebooks and go with videos of some type. It'd be much more interesting watch the code be written with someone sitting there and describing why its done, what it does, etc. Then for sales, release 1-2 good ones online on a website to get your traffic moving, and release the rest on a CD. (Sell the CD.) You could always throw in a free ebook with it.

I know one on one training prices in person usually run $80-150+ an hour for IT related teaching. But then again, in the end it really comes right down to what you feel your time is worth. If you think you could get 30 people to pay you $5 to watch you speak in front of them for an hour, great. However as someone said above, sure you're making more money at having alot of clients with low prices, but high prices and a few clients mean basically near same money with less work.