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03-01-2007, 10:54 PM
northpark is offline northpark
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Originally Posted by Mark View Post
Not that I would expect an American to know anything about the countires tied to the U.S.A (too busy worrying about yourselves) but what he meant was, Australia is an allie of the U.S (friends).

That is why we were sucked into a stupid ****ing war in iraq because when Bush asked if we supported we couldn't say no or we wouldn't look so friendly would we. Then what happens when theres a nuclear war, we get ****ed cause U.S doesn't wanna have our back.

Offtopic, it is beyond me why voting is not mandatory in the U.S. And don't give me the "it because we're so free la la la look I can sit on my ass cause it's a free country" because as far as I can see, you are losing rights every day to your ****ed government (privay, right to a fair trail when it comes to suspected terrorism etc).
1. I am not an American
2. I took his understanding of we as relative to America, not Australia. (Grammatically)
3. Your sweeping generalization of the American people was not only insensitive, it offended me as well as they are the people that have been so hospitable in allowing me to stay in their country.

Whether you meant "An American" as a person who only believes in Government Policies (Joe Citizen) or Truly Average Citizen, you are most probably wrong in both cases. As the government policies go, I feel like they are geared towards the rest of the world (Including Australia) however tend to focus more on 3rd world countries. And if your blaming the American government for dragging you guys into the war, only to not have your back when "a nuclear war" comes about, I only have one question -- how can you say such a thing when nothing of that scale has happened, especially overlooking that fact that if Australia is nuked, America probably isn't going to look much better. As for the argument of an Average American citizen not knowing/caring about American allies, then it all depends on the region and nearly impossible to speculate about. Unless your Miss Cleo.

This topic (main one) has more sides than the Hope Diamond.