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07-12-2007, 10:23 AM
TheCodeNinja is offline TheCodeNinja
Status: Junior Member
Join date: Apr 2007
Posts: 95
iTrader: 1 / 100%

TheCodeNinja is on a distinguished road

  Old  It's Your Chance to be Everybody's Hero! Help the Code Ninja!

Greetings, patrons of this great forum! I, the Great Code Ninja, have come to you once again with another opportunity! I am sure that most of you have heard by now of my many adventures, daring escapes and other such obviously coding related activities, so I shall keep the pleasantries short.

I am looking for an assistant; an agent, if you will. You see, I can code anything, but finding jobs is another story. It takes too much time that would better be spent coding. Thus, I would like to make the following offering: you send me a steady stream of jobs, and I give you 15% of the total amount paid for the job. I am looking for two a week at ~$125-150.

Now you may be saying, "But Code Ninja, how can I know what skills you have available so that I can better promote your services?" I am glad you asked, Cricket. Note my usage of "Cricket" instead of "Grasshopper." The latter is far overrated.

Behold the list!

- JavaScript
- AJAX/XMLHttpRequest
- Various CMS's (Joomla, WordPress, osCommerce)
- Various application development languages such as C/C++, Assembly and Java
- Scripting/interpreted languages such as Python, Bash, Scheme/SIOD and Perl

Recent jobs (coded):

Thank you for your time. If you believe you are up to the task, please reply here, PM me, or add me to MSN. Preferably MSN

EDIT: Ahh, note that this is not an auction. I overlooked that option