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08-26-2007, 07:36 PM
Bazza` is offline Bazza`
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More than likely the job you end up with will be completely different from what you are expecting to do, just to put a bit harsh reality into it. There will be jobs out there doing what you want to do, of course, but not as many jobs as there are college and uni leavers who want those jobs. Some of that will also depend on your area.

From everyone I went to college with who studied it not one of them has a job in web development. That was obvious though as were I live there is pretty much zero demand for it.

Doesn't mean that your time at college has been wasted though, your qualification will help you land other jobs and open up other paths. If it's an option I would go to Uni if you can though, it means an extra 4 years without havening to worry about where you will end up after it all

Anyway thats me being negative, I'm not saying you wont get a job doing what you want to do. There is every chance you will, it's just in my experience a large amount of people don't get to do what they thought they would so you need to be prepared for that chance.