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08-31-2007, 04:01 PM
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  Old  Do you think the Internet will collapse?

Do you think the Internet will collapse?

Well i don't know.

For about 20 years this has been on debate in lots of forums and mags i thought i would get your thoughts. I cant be the only one were my life would stop if the Internet was not here and i bet it is the same with you.

Is the Internet over loaded?

Recently, theres been some concern that the Internet could potentially collapse under its own weight. Fibre-optic cable might become over loaded: there are now over a billion internet users and it is growing fast. With all these new viedo sharing website there is even more data flying about the world.

Its predicted in 2012 just twenty homes in Scotland will generate the same volume of traffic that was carried on the Internet as a hole in 1996.

Crying Wolf

This has not been the first time some experts have predicted that the Internet would collapse, in 1995 Bob Matcalfe, the man who invented the Ethernet claimed that the Internet would collapse at some point in 1996, and he promised to eat his words if it didn't (he then ended up having to chomp on a printout of his words, and has later refused to make similar promises in relation to his other predictions. Seems his words didn't taste very nice, or something). lol

Save Our Internet

There is so much spam and viruses going round these days i think that these alone will make the Internet collapse.
What would happen if we did not have any Internet we would not be able to email friends, post on great forums, chat with friends on yahoo or msn and we would have to down the local bank and get some money out to pay for groceries.

I don't think this will happen because the servers will get more power full and we will find a way to make it last, but thats just me, what do you think?