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11-03-2007, 10:14 AM
Jmz is offline Jmz
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  Old  PHP Arcade Script Help

Hi, I'm skinning PHPas but I want to change how the games are displayed on the front page. I'm trying to display the four top rated games in the database. My code looks like:


  					  $x = 0;
  					  $gamelist = "";
  					  $maingame = "";
              $sql_query2 = "SELECT * FROM games where gamestatus = 1 ORDER BY rating ASC LIMIT 4";
  				    $result2 = mysql_query($sql_query2);
  					  // Gets all the game information if available
  				  	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result2))
               $gameid = $row['gameid'];
  		    		 $gametitle = stripslashes($row['gametitle']);
  		   			 $gamedesc = stripslashes($row['gamedesc']);
  		   			 $gamekeywords = $row['gamekeywords'];
   			       $gamefile = $row['gamefile'];
  		  		   $gameheight = $row['gameheight'];
  					   $gamewidth = $row['gamewidth'];
  		 			   $category = $row['category'];
  					   $timesplayed = $row['timesplayed'];
  					   $rating = $row['rating'];
  					   $gameicon = $row['gameicon'];
  					   $gamelocation = $row['gamelocation'];
  					   $iconlocation = $row['iconlocation'];
              // Limit the # of characters in the Game Description
              if (strlen($gamedesc)> 35)
              $gamedesc = substr($gamedesc,0,35)." ...";
              $title = make_friendly($gametitle);
              if ($iconlocation == 1)
              $gameicon = $gameicon;
              elseif (!empty($gameicon))
              $gameicon = $base_url."games/images/".$gameicon;
                if (empty($gameicon))
                $gameicon = $defaulticon;
              if ($rewrite ==0)
              $gamelink = $base_url."index.php?action=playgame&gameid=".$gameid;
              $gamelink = $base_url.$sedir."/".$gameid."/".$title;
              $maingame = "<div class=\"game_listing\"><a href=\"$gamelink\"><img src=\"$gameicon\" alt=\"$gametitle icon\" class=\"game_img\"/></a><a href=\"$gamelink\">$gametitle</a><p class=\"game_desc\">$gamedesc</p><p class=\"clear\"></p></div>";

              }		}			   

        $content = $content."<div class=\"contentheader\">
			<p class=\"top_rated\">
            Top Rated Games
        <div class=\"contentarea_right\">$maingame<p class=\"clear\"></p>




It seems to be working apart from it only shows one game (the one with the highest rating) instead of four.

Any ideas where I'm going wrong?