Thread: What's new?
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04-13-2010, 05:37 AM
JamesH is offline JamesH
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Originally Posted by Artashes View Post
That's what we are working on.
PS: How did that car related network you wanted to pursue work out for you? It was a very ambitious plan. was the first site in the network I believe, and after a month or two I started to get some love from Digg and traffic began to rise quickly. I was young and stupid at the time, and somebody threw some money in my face for the site and I made a deal. I definitely didn't get as much as it was worth, but I didn't know any better... I still wonder where the site would be if I still owned it, but it's now doomed to be a database/spammy sort of site last time I checked. Looking back, I learned a lot about SEO, viral marketing, and social communities in general from the site, so I don't regret it.

I also had the domain and had a forum going with a few members. It had a really nice theme; had a nice front page and everything. But I lost interest (because once again, I was young and stupid) and the project died off. I'm pretty sure I liquidated the vB license and theme to try and recoup some of my investment, but still lost a good bit of money at the time. I probably had a few other sites in the network as well, but nothing to fancy.

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