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07-25-2010, 05:17 PM
jareso is offline jareso
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  Old  Is it possible to approximate worldwide domain worth?

Can be domain worldwide worth approximated if we know price of one domain? I mean generic domain name consisting of some common word or brand that has (more or less) meaning and possible usage in (more or less) all countries. I mean it is really worldwide usable without problems not possibly bound to any country. Like domain name possibly usable for some social network or service providing video hosting or blogs, etc.

I will give this example for better illustration of what I mean.
Lets say we know (something).com is worth and was sold for 100 000$.
Now, can we approximately calculate worth of other domains worldwide? Like (something).net, (something).org, (something).info, country specific and so on?

Is this possible? I know that it depends from domain to domain, from buyer to buyer, etc. But is it possible at some level of (even inaccurate) approximation… or not at all?
Something like (something).net is worth 10-20% of (something).com price, etc.

Is there some kind of calculator available for this? Or some formulas? Is this possible? Even inaccurate as I said, but just something...? I was looking for something like this throughout the net but I wasn’t successful in my search.

Thank you.

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