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08-02-2011, 09:01 AM
Tekime is offline Tekime
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Location: Maine
Expertise: Web Design & Development
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Tekime is on a distinguished road


I keep a set hourly rate for services that includes overhead, and use these as the basis for fixed rate quotes for clients. This helps me construct accurate quotes, and still allows me a reference for small jobs that might only take 1-2 hours.

Over the years I have learned this works best for me.

The most dangerous clients are the penny pinchers - those who expect $5,000 worth of work for $1,000 - they are the first to complain, they always expect more than what they are willing to pay for, and they SUCK THE LIFE OUT OF YOU.

For this reason I am always wary of changing a quote after delivery. If someone says "$5,000 is too much, but how about $4,000?" my tendency is to say sorry, can't help you. In some cases you might be able to remove features, but often you'll spend more time trying to shave down features and still maintain a workable app than you would have just building the features in the first place.

It's a tough call but sometimes it has to be made. If a client says "well, so and so can do it for HALF that!", then tell them they should go with so-and-so since it's such a great deal!