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10-04-2011, 04:09 PM
YourBrandMarketing is offline YourBrandMarketing
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Tomos has posted a great list of ideas to promote an affiliate program but not the best way to utilize them.

Email Marketing can be used it you purchase a list of e-mails from consumers that have a stated interest in your product. Random e-mails will end you in the spam and junk mail. Also make sure to minimize links in the post as it will cause you to be automatically put into spam and junk mail. Avoid too many numbers in the subject and refrain from using any symbols.

List Swapping is very ineffective as that is un-targeted advertising. How would you feel getting an advertisement to buy a pig? Maybe the farmer just list swapped..

Blog comments are a very slow and bad way to advertise your product. Try building your own blog and letting it gain popularity over time.

Forum signatures are for people with a lot of free time. Younger people, or stay-at-home parents, an the elderly. It requires lots of time signing up and posting on forums. There are web applications that make this easier though.

Word Of Mouth is the single best marketing tool that exists. Utilization of that tool is VERY under done. People are scared to truely utilize it. However if used correctly you can become a millionaire off nothing but affiliate networking and programs.

Social media is a great tool if you have hundreds of thousands of people "linked/following/liking/ETC" your "page"

Article Marketing... have not really heard of this but i assume its writting a strong article about the product and a link to purchase or a referral link at the end. If so, that is a GREAT idea.

And Directory submissions is more for your website..