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12-21-2011, 11:21 AM
UKMatt is offline UKMatt
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  Old  My experience with Jumpline


The very nice people at Jumpline (please detect the sarcasm) charged me over $100 without my consent and then refused to pay me back or cancel the account.

I signed up for a free 1 year subscription with another hosting company (something I didn't even use). At the time, they told me that they would not charge me for another year unless I expressly stated that I wanted to continue hosting with them.

1 year later, I get an email from Jumpline (not the same company I signed up with - apparently Jumpline acquired them) invoicing me for over $100. The email gets into my spam folder and I find out when my bank balance has been charged for $100.

I contacted the Jumpline support who stated that they cannot refund me. I was extremely pissed off... so I thought, screw it, take the hit, cancel the account so the same thing doesn't happen next year? Their response 'Sorry we will not cancel your account'. Ohhhh great! So you totally screw me over, I pay you for something I did not want/will not use, and you won't even cancel it?

My account was with a domain I didn't even own anymore... why the hell would I have wanted hosting? The whole thing was nonsensical and I could just imagine the customer support team sitting there laughing with their middle finger up at the computer screen whilst typing their BS responses.

When I spoke to my bank, they told me that they could not intercept the funds (I didn't pay via cc), but they said that at the point I asked for a refund... the company hadn't even received the funds, and they could have easily not accepted them had they chose to - a point that Jumpline deny.

Over the years I have contributed over 1132 posts to this forum and therefore am unsure of why my initial response would be deleted to make this awful company look better.


MOD NOTE: The comment was originally posted in the marketplace, which is against the rules of this community.

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