Thread: Good series?
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11-04-2005, 02:34 PM
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Originally Posted by bailo
I recommend Lost definitely and also The Sopranos, not in the categories you mentioned but it is very funny and an awesome awesome show
I've seen a few random Lost episodes and had no clue what it was about - I guess I'll have to see it from the beginning.

Originally Posted by AlexK
What about "The 4400"?
Ahh I will check that one out for sure, thank you!

Originally Posted by jono1
Well firstly I'd reccommend *contracting* your list a little - get rid of Charmed and The OC.
Then for your sci-fi needs you'll need a healthy dose of Stargate (SG-1 or Atlantis, both are good). Oh and you should definitely buy the Firefly DVD's. The only 'really good sitcom' I can think of off the top of my head is Arrested Development.
I know Charmed and the OC aren't as good as they used to be, I still follow those shows because I still feel for the characters basically Unfortunally I don't like Stargate the series, I did like the movie though - I've tried following the series but didn't really like it.
FireFly.. I've heard it's very good, didn't the movie "Serenity" come out recently which is in fact FireFly the movie?