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05-15-2012, 09:37 PM
Artashes is offline Artashes
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Woah, take it easy, MsJacquiiC, I will be working with one of the designers on the list who will take the prize. I have the winner in mind. The fact that I didn't get to finalize the concept with him doesn't mean the process is/was over.

Before putting forward the notion that I am rude, please be aware that the contest was held within the rules and terms of the service provider. 99designs is not forcing designers to participate in contests. Majority of the designers do not win and a healthy portion of contest holders do not commit the funds. Regardless, I have never in my life not paid for services provided to me. In fact, quite the opposite - I often overpay by introducing and issuing bonuses for outstanding work. Everyone who has ever worked with me will attest to that.

EDIT: I can see now how my response could have been misunderstood. It should have read: "Haven't picked any yet."
