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04-14-2008, 03:51 AM
Randy is offline Randy
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I like it, Jason here has an amazing talent for design, and im sure his coders are very good at what they do. If they take all the same features that myspace, facebook, and bebo and all those other ones. But here is what attracts me to it: the design, its simple but looks amazing if you look at all other social networking sites they have horrible designs and/or confusing to people, but like i said if they make it look nice like it does and create it very well easy to use and include all functions other social networks have then they could be the new myspace/bebo/facebook.

Also, jason you have a huge obsession with orange, should try other colors in my opinion. I seem to see you use alot of orange recently.

Suggestion for Vorolo:
Lower the age requirement to 13 instead of 15 as the COPPA is 13 and there are alot of people that will lie about their age anyways, its a natural habit for kids.

Best Regards,
Randy Cram