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08-04-2007, 01:05 AM
Seb is offline Seb
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  Old  Paypal money exchange

Ok, i've got myself into a bit of a pickle. I can't really think why anyone would want to help me out on this - it may sound like a scam, but I can assure you it is not. I've got $75.39 USD in my Paypal account, but I have reached my sending limit. The account is a business account, which can only be verified by back account - please bear that in mind, it cannot be verified by card.

I do not have access to a bank account to verify the account, therefore, I cannot get the money out of the account. So I am asking if someone with a bank account will take the account, change all the details to their own etc, verify the account, keep the money and then send me the ammount in the account.

I have no interest in scamming. I can't really see a flaw where I could scam you though there may be (don't bother pointing one out if you find one, i'm really not interested in scamming someone).

I think my trader rating should be comforting to anyone who is willing to do this. I'm certainly not about to do a runner over $75.

What will you gain from this? Well, except for a positive trader rating from me assuming the sale goes through well, I can't really afford to offer cash, but maybe i'll chuck in a free domain from here - (nothing more than $25 value though)

Please note that I expect to deal with someone with a respectable trader rating aswell.

Thanks, I hope someone will help me out, it's annoying not being able to use your own money
