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02-12-2006, 06:13 AM
jhmattern is offline jhmattern
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Originally Posted by Rimfire
Yes, you support yourself but that is not what I was talking about at all. I was talking about supporting a family which would be very difficult, and alot different than just having yourself to look after. Once you have even one more mouth to feed, clothe, and provide a roof for I am sure it will be alot harder to do; That is to say, unless you have big name clients amongst the likes of Pepsi, Sony, etc. Sorry that you did not understand that I was talking about zprod attempting to support his family trying to sell his artwork and not just himself.

As a matter of fact, I do take freelance design seriously. Just not in the same way as you. You may take it seriously because you enjoy producing and developing clean looking/smooth running websites, as well as knowing that this is how you will pay your bills. But just because I am not going to rely on freelance design to pay my bills, does not mean I do not take it in the same seriousness as you in terms of producing/developing website that I can be proud of.
I don't support just me. I make far more over the median household income in my area. You absolutely do NOT need big name clients like Pepsi, Sony, etc. to support a family. lol Most freelancers who support a family do so with numerous small clients. It's about knowing how to be a good businessperson, knowing how to set your rates appropriately, and knowing how to market yourself to proper potential clients who can afford the rates you intend to charge.

I don't do freelance web design. I do freelance writing, editing, and PR / Publicity work. I'm also an expert in consulting and freelance in general, covering the topic formerly for The NY Times Company's, and currently for another site network. So I am very well aware of what it takes to be successful in any kind of freelance work, and those are the things I mentioned above. I didn't say you didn't take web design (or the quality of your work seriously). All of my comments are in reference to the business of freelancing.