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01-20-2006, 11:46 PM
sketchie is offline sketchie
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If people want to smoke it, they can do so. I just wish they wouldn't go about telling everyone to make them look cool, and I hate when people say it's fine when it's not fine. They hear from unreliable sources that it doesn't harm your body, people that think this are fools. You can still get cancer from smoking weed (Though more likely when tobacco is added), and of course the mental issues weed can cause including paranoia, pyschosis and skitzophrenia - which I'm sure would be very fun. And though it's not addictive, you can become dependant on it. Most people that try it enjoy it and like to carry on taking it, and after a couple of years..

The chemicals inside weed cause changes to the shape of your brain, leading you to act different, you'll probably end up hanging with the wrong crowd to score some weed, you'll stink like the stuff, and everyone I know that smokes weed get's bitched about behind there back because it makes them look stupid.