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01-20-2006, 11:46 PM
buddybuddha is offline buddybuddha
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I totally support smoking weed.

Why does the government make it illegal? Because they can't make profit from it.
Actually, I beg to differ. The government could definitely profit from it. Taxation and regulation would make them so much money they could probably pay off that debt of theirs they got layin around.

I suppose you might meet that with the common reasons why the government wouldnt be able to. The fact that it would be uncontrollable, people would grow it, blah blah blah. Quite frankly, thats BS. I assume people with degrees in management could easily come up with something along the lines of- illegalize growing without a license. People would still do it, but back to the reason that most people dont do it now- its illegal. Illegalization never has and never will eliminate any type of behavior, but it sure as hell gets rid of a lot of it.

Well anyways though, I say its a fun thing to do, and in all my experione, it has been a lot less harmful than alcohol. Why do you think your body rejects alcohol when you drink it? Why do you think you feel terrible the next morning? Its definitely not good for you. There has not been one study linking marijuana to cancer statistically. Its one thing to say, youre being exposed to carcinogens; its another thing to say that it actually does increase the odds of cancer. There is NOTHING wrong with it, unless it takes over your life. But when anything takes over your life, its bad.