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02-07-2005, 05:20 PM
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Originally Posted by ULTiMATE
Not that I'm picking at the whole "compliancy in all browsers" thing, but I don't see why so many people go on about coding in full-standards and so that their web page works in every browser known to man. Sure I guess it's all good practice, but when has a real client ever really cared about how valid your code is or how many unknown browsers your page can be viewed in? All clients really care about is how their web page will make them money. If you reduce the loading time, that's great. If you reduce the page file size, that's even better because it's saving them money on hosting bills. I like making things look valid, but there's valid, and then there's "valid".

As far as the resource goes, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it, but since people who want to be "validation freaks" will more than likely view this other than an actual thread on this, it's a good point to make.
People want their web page to look good in every browser and every resolution so that EVERYONE can enjoy the site. Not just people with 1024x768 who use IE, but EVERYONE.

THAT is why people try to code to standard, THAT is why people check in other browsers to get it perfect, and frankly, I find the attitude you seem to have plain daft.

People don't go for standards just so they can shove a tiny button on their page and have a huge smile while going around saying 'my page is valid', they do it to make sure it works in every browser, for everyone.

GOOD coders and GOOD designers make their sites for everyone, not just the people who use a certain browser at a certain resolution.