Thread: Java Help
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11-20-2007, 12:01 PM
masjana.liza is offline masjana.liza
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  Old  Java Help

I got a few questions:

1. What is the general purpose of conditionals? How do they enhance the creation of decisional outcomes?

2. Suppose we wanted to establish a program that analyzes and makes a decision about the following topic:

Purchase a burger or a slice of pizza based whether the price of each item was above $2.00.

Create a proram that demonstrates this decision.

3. Convert the following to its extended assignment form

x = x + 2

y = y * 4

z = z - 8

a = b + 1

x = x / 2

a = a % 6

4. Convert the following to its increment or decrement form

int q; q = q + 1 result is: ??

double r; r = r - 1.0 result is: ??

5. Which math method would be the best to use in the following situations:

Identify the largest number in the set: x=15, y=12, z=22

Identify the smallest number in the set: 20,15,35

Cube 5

Square when x = 4.0

Gartengeräte Solarenergie