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05-23-2007, 07:41 AM
sletts02 is offline sletts02
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Originally Posted by Julian View Post
What about doing something about sheep shaggers?
I think that's been overdone to the point where it's internationally accepted that New Zealanders just can't keep their wang out of sheep...

I have an ending. He is going to get pinged for not having his shirt in (caught on our schools security cameras). It became untucked because he hooked it on a rose bush. Then in detention he will say (voice over) "My mum says theres this thing called Karma. What goes around comes around..." He looks out the window and Torissi is walking across the road and get's hit by a car.

It should be pretty good... though, I got nocked back on using the teachers name or slight variations of it so it won't have "as much" comic relief at school anymore.

EDIT: Whoops, didn't even include the intro. Not too worry. Basically a kid tries ever so hard to stay out of detention then comes the ending.