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07-20-2008, 08:24 PM
infinivert is offline infinivert
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Expertise: Design, PHP, JS, HTML5, CSS3
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Still, though, this is the javascript forum, and all the advice given has been PHP (which I DO think is the better option). But since you don't want to use PHP, you'd probably do something like this in your page's HEAD section:

<script type="text/javascript">

function randomimage()
  var path = "/path/to/images/folder/"; /* your image path goes here */

  var images = new Array();
  images[0] = "image1.jpg";
  images[1] = "image2.jpg";
  images[2] = "image3.jpg";
  images[3] = "image4.jpg"; /* etc. for all your image files */

  var randint = Math.round( Math.random() * ( images.lenth - 1 ) ); /* gives you a random integer between 0 and the key of the final image specified (in this case 3), inclusive */

  var randimage = path+images[randint]; /* specifies one of your images at random */

  document.getElementById("MyDivID").style.background-image = randimage; /* sets the background of the element with the id set to "MyDivID" to the random image chosen above */

Then modify your opening BODY tag to look like this:

<BODY onload="randomimage()">
This code has not been tested, so it may have some errors, but hopefully it will give you the general idea of what you're going for here.

Hope this helps!
