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08-09-2006, 10:10 PM
Barbaro is offline Barbaro
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There isn't really a great future in web designing, unless you get with big name companies.

Your best bet is to do what everyone else is doing, local web design. If that doesn't work, then move. If you don't want to move, quit designing for a salary, and only do it when you want to.

The same thing basically happened with me, the stuff is fun at first, but after a year or two, it's BORING. I just don't like to be the one sitting on the computer doing stuff, getting crappy rates, when I can get a job at a store/business and make that money and know its going to stay in my bank/hands. Then on my free time I dont have to be on the computer but I can be outside doing stuff, chillin with friends, partying, etc. You get a pretty free schedule without having to worry about internet clients. FOr work you can plan when you want off and when you want to work 1-2 weeks ahead of schedule (this is part time job).

I dont know, but Id rather have a good job once i get out of college rather then desigining computer graphics for the rest of my life if i wouldnt happen to get a job at a big name media place.