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100 way to promote your web site

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01-19-2008, 04:31 PM
ganeshgiri is offline ganeshgiri
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  Old  100 way to promote your web site

If you're launching a new site, or new content, write an introduction and submit it to share sites like Digg (, Reddit ( and Now Public (
Create a Yahoo Group ( in the niche your site sits.
Create a MySpace ( account and use it to publisise your site.
Bookmark your site on ( and if you're really keen, add a button to your homepage.
Create a Technorati ( account and "claim" your blog.
Submit your site to free, search engine friendly directories. An excellent list can be found here (
Conduct a survey. This is an excellent way to generate offline publicity.
Place a free ad for your company on Gumtree (
Syndicate your site's content by using an RSS feeds.
Submit your RSS feeds to agregator sites like FeedBurner (, Squidoo (, Feedboy (, Jordomedia (, FeedBomb, FeedCat, rssmad, feeddirectory and feedfury. Stolen from DigitalPoint (
Write an article related to your site and submit it to article sites.
Sign up to StumbleUpon ( and get your friends to Stumble your site.
Create a custom 404 page so that even if someone encounters an error on your site, they are re-directed somewhere nice.
Set up a 301 redirect to take traffic from your non-www address to your www address. See here ( for more info.
Add a link to your site in the signature of any forums you post on.
Tell your friends about your site. It's free advertising init.
Speel cheek ur stie. Nothing appears more amateur than a site with typos or spelling mistakes.
Test your site and make sure it appears correctly in all major browsers.
Buy enough hosting. No one likes a slow site.
Don't worry about PageRank - worrying about PageRank is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.*
Offer something for free. Free is good. People tell their friends about free stuff.
Tell your neighbours, you never know what contacts they might have.
Offer your users as many ways as possible to contact you. MSN, Skype, Yahoo etc all complement email, phone and a real address.
Advertise your site on Craigslist ( It's free, relevant and localised.
Do NOT use frames.
Submit your site to ( It may take time, but it's worth it.
Create an XML sitemap (http:/ of your site and submit it to Google (
Get a custom t-shirt made with your website url on it, and wear it often.
Ask a large breasted lady to wear one too.
Sign up with an affiliate programme to sell your product, or if you're a publish, make some cash!
On your Contact Page ask people if they mind receiving your newsletter.
Send out a newsletter!
Go to a free seminar for Website owners. You might learn something.
Find quality and relevant blogs and leave a comment (with a link back to your site of course).
Don't pay people to submit your site to search engines. It's a waste of money.
YouTube ( and Google Video ( are excellent portals on which to launch a viral campaign.
Giving away an eBook is an excellent way to generate word-of-mouth about your site.
Sponsor a Wordpress theme or a phpListDirectory template.
If you sell products that are advertised on television by the manufacturer, add "As Seen on TV" to your site!
Avoid proprietry technologies like Java and Active X.
Put downloadable content on your site, but make sure it's not manufacturer specific - so mp3 rather than wma.
Learn about CSS. It's the new HTML.
Contribute to related subject areas on Wikipedia.
Ask bloggers and other Web site owners to review your site and/or products.
Have user friendly page names - most tools comes with some way to avoid A4FD4F64E511ACB0E020C9048CFE3AEDAF8DD9D
If you must have a Flash homepage, make sure you have a "Skip Intro" link.
Tell your local rag about your site. These newspapers are desparate for stories and you may well even get a pic of your ugly picture published.
Become a leading authority on your chosen subject.
Donate money to a charity and most will place a link on their site back to you.


mattk26th March 2007, 14:47
And breath:

Abide to W3C standards ( - it will help your site in the long term.
Your local community sports teams offer cheap, but highly effective sponsorship opportunities.
Publisise your site on related forums - but don't spam!
Ask bloggers to write about your site or product - in return for a link of course.
Offer a competition related to something in the news - so football around the time of the World Cup etc.
Add a "Tell a Friend" function to your site, so people can easily recommend you to their mates.
Have a Sitemap on your site to allow users to navigate around quickly and to aid the search engines.
Have a nice keyword rich title at the top of each of your pages. Users and search engines both like descriptive titles.
Include a Feedburner button on your site so people can easily subscribe to your feed.
If you use PPC then create a landing page for each of your AdWords - it'll boost your conversations no end.
Appear on Dragon's Den.
Create a Press section on your site where can you store all your press releases, logos and banners.
Add a link to your site from within your eBay profile.
Ask your friends to give you honest feedback on your site.
The best way to find someone to do any kind of work on your site is through personal recommendation.
Gain exposure by submitting photos and pictures to Flikr (
Share your banners on banner exchange sites.
Make sure it's easy for your users to subscribe to your RSS feed.
Create a "lense" for your site on Squidoo (
Ask friends, collegues and associates to "Favourite" your blog on Technorati (
You can add a Bulletin to your MySpace account promoting your site that all your MySpace Friends will see.
Response to your customer's emails promptly, even if it is with a simply auto-responder. No one likes to wait 3 or 4 days for an acknowledgement of their contact with you.
Get a professional Copywriter to give your site a once over. If you are on a tight budget, limit to the just the homepage.
Make a list, "Top 10"s work well. Update it regularly to give your visitors a reason to return.
What did you learn today? Tell other people and they might learn something too.
Do you have really hot content on your site that geeks would love? If so Slashdot ( will bring you a mass of traffic.
Deep link directories are an excellent way to promote inner pages of your site.
Meta tags might carry less weight than previously, but you should still have them on every page.
Ask your Gran for feedback on your site. Never ignore the silver surfers.
Include a "Add to your Technorati favourites" button on your site.
Google Analytics is free and will tell you all you need to know about who's visiting your site.
Search engines will find you. Don't pay money for your site to be "submitted".
Don't be afraid to link to other sites, especially if they are relevant and to highly respected sites.
Keep It Simple Stupid: use CSS to control layout, style and colours and use HTML text rather than graphics to represent text.
Validate ( your HTML and CSS. It'll help ensure your site displays well in all browsers.
Small pages sizes and optimised graphics will give your site a snappy feel and won't require users to wait around for it to load.
If you plan to submit your site to lots of directory or article sites - create an email especially for this. Delete it when you're finished to avoid spam.
"Link baiting" means writing some killer content that people will want to link to. Like a "101 Tips to Improve Your Web Presence" list!
If your chosen field is technology related then write a "whitepaper". That's a posh name for an article.
Google ( receives roughly 50% of all search requests, Yahoo 25% and MSN just 10%. That's a good rule of thumb as to how much emphisis to put on each.
Make sure you have a robots.txt file in the root of your Web site. You can use this to control search engines, but if nothing else it'll reduce the number of 404 errors in your Weblogs.
Free online games, a forum or chatrooms will give your users a reason to come back to your site.
Ebooks with re-seller rights make an excellent "free gift" for your site.
Upload your product feed to Froogle ( It's FREE!
This is an excellent list of Top 25 Social Bookmarking Sites (
Search out unanswered questions on Yahoo! Answers ( and add your site as the "Source".
PageRank is vanity, ranking is sanity.
Yahoo are catching up with Google with an excellent set of webmaster tools called Site Explorer (
Don't buy traffic. It's un-targetted and won't convert.
Pay Per Click advertising gets you fast results - and if it's handled well can be very profitable.
Upload a favicon.gif file so that your users have a nice icon when they bookmark your site.
And that's it!

01-29-2008, 11:22 AM
terryson01 is offline terryson01
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Nice post, its very very informative.
I follow these steps for my sites.


02-21-2008, 09:13 AM
desirez28 is offline desirez28
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Nice post, but I think you need to add another one, stumbleudon, which nowadays I get traffics with auto stumble system that I use with them. If anyone need invatation link, let me know.

02-21-2008, 09:31 AM
Suddenly is offline Suddenly
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You know I have got a lot of nice ideas for my web sites. Thank you very much.

02-21-2008, 01:18 PM
CoryMathews is offline CoryMathews
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great article gane. some pretty good tips.

02-21-2008, 03:49 PM
mackad is offline mackad
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Agreed. Excellent!

02-25-2008, 11:48 PM
reynolds is offline reynolds
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Good list...I'm definitely saving it. This is one of the most useful lists I've seen in quite a while. It actually has specific, relevant actions listed.

02-26-2008, 04:39 PM
lady_evolver is offline lady_evolver
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This was exactly what I was looking for to help me in promoting my first site. Thanks for taking the time out of your schedule to put this all together for us

03-11-2008, 02:05 PM
goreseller is offline goreseller
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  Old  Way to build link popularity quickly

We know that directory submissions are a proven way to build link popularity for any site which will ultimately let you gain higher search engine rankings. But, it is time consuming and tedious too. Many people just do not have that much time to do it themselves and cannot even hire others who will charge anywhere from $15-$20 per hour just to submit your web site or $250 just for 1000 submissions (and that's the minimum going rate!)

But, no worries! We have done all the hard work and developed a directory submission tool known as ResellerGo. It comes with three plans; you can choose the one that suits you the most. Here are the details:

* Reseller Go Free Plan (Demo)

You can get your hands on the ResellerGo tool absolutely free by selecting the "Free Plan." This plan allows you to submit up to150 directories. It allows the users to submit an UNLINMITED number of web sites to 150 directories. You can download the free plan of ResellerGo here

* Silver Plan (Economic)

This plan was specially designed for those webmasters who wants to submit their website. You just need to pay the one-time fee per domain which will unlock a database to more than 4000 directories, including those with a high Page Rank (PR).

Also, we will keep on updated the directories and you will also have access to those directories. Try this plan now.

* Gold Plan (Commercial)

This plan was specially designed for commercial users and/or resellers who are providing service to a large number of clients or offering paid Directory Submission Service. There is NO LIMIT on the amount of websites that users can promote. Give it a try now.

Benefits of ResellerGo

To sum it up, it automates the task of submitting your web site to directories within seconds, which means:

* You can instantly get lots of one-way links from high PR (Page Rank) web sites,

which can really boost your search engine rankings.

* You can bring in a lot of free targeted traffic and ultimately higher search engine rankings.

Here's What Others Are Saying About ResellerGo

Many users on DigitalPoint forums utilize ResellerGo, where we received many positive testimonials for it. Click here to read what people have to say about ResellerGo.


In short, it's a great tool and an easy way to increase your traffic with very
little work and save several hours and thousands of dollars every time you want to submit your site to new directory. So, if you really want to get a lot of traffic to your web site and want to get higher search engine rankings without wasting a single moment then I urge you to check out ResellerGo now. In any case, you can try the free plan first to see how well it works and I'm sure you will upgrade it yourself.

01-20-2009, 10:53 AM
ganeshgiri is offline ganeshgiri
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thanks for sofware

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