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09-03-2007, 06:10 AM
kramer75 is offline kramer75
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Agreed. I've had a look at the code and I can't say that they are the same either. Breaking them down and to name one of the many differences:

- The AuthClass from Sam instantiates the DB in the constructor, in the case of the cited code (by xuxa) the db link is externally passed.

- Sessions are handled discretely in separate functions in Sam's code, that is not the case in the cited code.

- There is discrete redirect handling in xuxa's cited code, no such case case for Sam's.


For the experienced PHP coders reading this, you'd realize that this is only a case of both coders following known industry standards of using session handling and db auth, with password hashing. All because both coders decided to resort to the standards (and frankly I find that both coders did a good job) shouldn't mean that code was 'copied'.

End of story.