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09-11-2005, 10:49 AM
Zane is offline Zane
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  Old  Template-Xchange

Im sorry if this is the wrong section please move if neccesary mod.
Also many of you may have not of heard of this but read anyway please

Finally after a lot of work Template-Xchange is back.

What is it ?

Template-Xchange is essentially a web designers marketplace where you can sell your templates and people can come and buy them. Currently the store section is just a subforum but we are working on itergrating an oscommerce system. WE DO NOT HANDLE TRANSACTIONS, but if it goes ill and there is evidence we will ban the buyer/seller if needed.

Why join ?
Unlike the few other competitors out there we take 0% commision. When we reach 1000 members i will impliment a scheme where you have to pay $5 for Seller membership and you can sell as many templates as you want, the $5 would be a 1 time payment so no future payments would be needed, a bit like premium membership on gamerenders.

Okay enough gime the link ! it will redirect you to the forums located at

Remember please register I have also implimented the Rep mod, im changing it slightly to be called Feedback Rating so it will be a bit more like ebay