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03-06-2005, 05:40 PM
eric_bobbitt is offline eric_bobbitt
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Alright, I want to clear some things up so that hopefully this topic can continue in a respectful manner. My previous post about this thread being pointless was not so much based on people putting false information as much as people are just blinding posting based upon what they "think" they know about something. I did not post this thread so that we could all get together and just blindly rant about standards or what browser sucks / doesn't suck.This doesn't have anything to do with clients either. Do not think of this thread pertaining to designing with standards with clients. Client work, you do what they ask you too, and try to convince them that your way is right, and either way do exactly what they want you too. This whole thread on standards is to have a civil discussion about them as they pertain to the internet.

I would like to have an educated discussion as well, which is why I've posted about the false information. This is becoming an opinion based topic rather than a fact based one, and that isn't where I wanted this to go.

Picard102 Please state something pertaining to the topic instead of randomly posting statements about how I am an idiot and have no clue what I'm saying. Do not insult my intelligence, I dont insult yours.

Lord Kalthorn I think you have some interesting points to bring up, but somehow they seem to get lost in some other topics you start to rant with. I am interested in your input on this subject, especially since you are a die hard microsoft fan, but I'd like to ask you to research some of the topics you are posting about. A lot of what you post has the right direction, but mis-informed information.

derek.l Ah Derek, what do I say to you. You obviously have a good direction on what you are trying to express, but I feel as though someone's you are just posting in an upset mood on the topic. I would love nothing more for you to keep posting, but as I said to Lord Kalthorn, I think you need to post more facts rather than hearsay. Please do not take that the wrong way, but I think if you research some of things in your last post you will see what I mean.

Legendary Please dont post here again unless you intend to actually participate in the discussion.

nitefly . . . ?

With that said i'd like to post a few links. . .

This forum doesnt have an extreme amount of posts about cross browser functionality, but its still growing.

My point being is that these threads are a direct result of non standards compliance.

Browser Wars
There is a lot of browser information here that is just plain wrong. But since this is not the topic for that I wont try to correct that. Lets stay on topic.
