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03-06-2005, 08:23 PM
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Of all web languages, PHP is the worst to learn and it definitely pays less than the rest. PHP isn't a very secure language as a whole and I am very disturbed at any site that uses it.

This site for example is PHP which means the owner of this site didn't do anything to make it. They purchased or downloaded this php script and added a theme and modifications. PHP is used for people with a lack of creativity.
ive just noticed this comment and what a complete load of tripe!!

php is only secure as the coder that coded it!

this is a prebuilt script yes. but this forum software does not take 6 months to develop! its been in development for ages!!! lots of people use prebuilt forums and scripts there is nothing wrong with that. there are lots of prebuilt cgi/asp scripts out there as well!

a script is as secure as the person that coded it. php itself is not unsecure with out some way of exploiting the security in the code then there is no way to hack it. and the security is built buy the person that coded it! so if a novice coder doesnt install any messures against security in there code then there open to attacks but if someone installs some security mesures such as urlencode() and disabled register globals then they are far more secure.