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08-24-2007, 06:45 AM
Bennett is offline Bennett
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Originally Posted by Baby Boy View Post
That is for your average consumer, NOT you average potential success story. If someone wants to learn by reading my blog and wants to take it serious, they'll think "quality over looks." Ever head of the saying "Content is King?"

If the fat girl stays smelling nice and her attitude and everything is good and she treats her man fairly, she has better quality and a higher chance. Tell me what guy wants a girl that is gonna act like an ******* over stupid stuff, even if she is skinny with a model look. Sooner or later, the guy is going to leave that girl (or in this case, the readers will leave my site if I don't give them good quality.)

These aren't consumer's, these are LAZY people Sorry 2 say...

You can sit there and tell yourself that all day, and your exactly right in 1 aspect. Quality is key. Looks, functionability, etc make up quality too. We're giving you positive input so that you can move forward. If you choose to just sit back, argue about it and ignore, fine. It's not our lost in the end now is it?

Also; in regards to your 'oh they are just lazy.' Has nothing to do with that. I am forsure there are things you do not understand yet still use and consume. And if you want to argue that there isn't; then you're either a walking book, or a liar. It has nothing to do with laziness, it's how people react to situations.