Originally Posted by Emily0415
Hey guys I'm new student in college of technology ,I need your assistance help for my assignment :
Find a case study that shows how a software/ product is developed based on SDLC. You need to explain how it relates to each stage of the SDLC.
From what i remember, the SDLC contains about 6 steps, planning, analysis, systems design, implementation and maintenance
Those being in the order they are done in, althougth there are other methods like the waterfall method and prototype method and RAD (rapid application development). They are based on the sdlc but slightly updated (each having their own upsides and downsides).
Almost all software development projects would be based on this, as any software development project would need some kind of planning, analysis there would have to be design, implementation and maintenance.
best thing you could do is google for projects based on the software development life cycle (SDLC), with some searching you will find some good information online.
Hope that helps